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Guild Code of Conduct

Presentation Guild Value Statement

The Guild values diverse voices and ideas to foster an inclusive community to promote equal access to industry resources and opportunities for all presentation specialists.

Presentation Guild Code of Conduct Policy

The Guild is dedicated to providing opportunities to connect, share, and learn. We take pride in establishing a strong sense of community and we seek to foster an inclusive, professional atmosphere.

We are dedicated to providing a safe and supportive environment for everyone.

Everyone at a Guild function must follow this code of conduct.


  • Harassment: any behavior that makes others uncomfortable or unsafe.
  • Illegal activity: as defined by federal, state or local laws.
  • Weapons: any object that might be used to inflict injury or death.


We enourage respectful discussion to resolve disputes and expect those involved to seek amicable resolution on their own. If you are uncomfortable discussing the issue, you may seek out a staff member who will assist you in pursuing a resolution.

If a participant violates the code of conduct, the Guild officials may take any action they deem appropriate. This could include warning the offender or expelling the offender from this and/or future activities.


If you are being harassed, if you witness harassment, or if you have any other concerns, please contact a Guild official immediately.

Anyone is in physical danger or who requires an immediate response should call 911 and notify law enforcement. This policy and the steps it prescribes should not be confused with an actual emergency response system.

If you have any questions about this policy, please contact us anytime.

Presentation Guild